Mathieu Hays


I’m a french Full Stack Web Developer specialising in WordPress living in London, UK. I’m currently working at Redwire where I develop anything from small brochure websites to high traffic services.

My day-to-day is shared between the front-end, back-end development and server management. My latest stack incorporates SASS using the ITCSS methodology and transpilled ES6 polyfilled by My front-end tooling is all grouped up in a bunch of Gulp tasks taking advantage of packages such as autoprefixer and Google Closure compiler.

My current IDE of choice is PHPStorm. It enables me to run PHP Unit-tests, PHP Code Sniffer, Eslint and Editorconfig from the same place. The autocompletion works especially well with the OOP architecture I use when developing themes and plugins.

My development environment is VVV which is a vagrant configuration optimised for WordPress development. I’ve setup this website’s server to follow a similar setup. I’m deploying this website using a Continuous Delivery pipeline enabling me to automate the deployment and integrate unit testing.

You can find me on Github & Twitter.